Weekend Links: Week 50

weekend links week 50 ritz paris christmas tree 2023

Weekend Links Week 50 is smaller than usual…and will be the last of 2023! My family arrives in Paris this week and I’m planning on fully soaking up my time with them, which means my laptop will remain mostly closed for the rest of the year. 2023 has been really fabulous overall and I’m looking forward to a busy and productive 2024. Some of my favorites this week include a guide to the best beauty and wellness treatments in Paris, 10 recipes for a traditional French Christmas dinner, and a list of the best exhibits in Paris right now. Enjoy!

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Weekend Links: Week 49

weekend links week 49 rosa luna flower shop boulevard raspail

I’ve spent the last week working to tie up the loose ends on major projects for the rest of the year. I’m really looking forward to taking time for myself to soak up the festive atmosphere of Paris during the holidays. Starting this weekend we have family and friends arriving for various holiday visits which will be so much fun and is also a first for me since moving to Paris. I may or may not take a break from posting Weekend Links while I have visitors in town, but if I do just know that I will eventually be back. Some of my favorites from Weekend Links Week 49 include a look inside the reboot of Karl Lagerfeld’s 7L bookstore, an interview with the L/Uniform founder, and a story about Le Bristol’s bread. Enjoy!

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Weekend Links: Week 48

weekend links week 48 le saint germain christmas decorations

It’s hard to believe it’s actually December. The temperatures really dropped in Paris this week and the decorations seem to be emerging (slowly but surely). I’m very excited for this month and am trying to get as much done as possible work wise in the next two weeks and then will take some time off to start 2024. Some of my favorites from Weekend Links Week 48 include how Christofle changed its image, an ode to the Lady Dior Bag, and a Notre Dame update. Enjoy!

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Weekend Links: Week 47

weekend links week 47 chopard place vendome christmas decor paris

This weekend I’m looking forward to starting decorating for the holidays. It’s been hard to wait but it seems like yesterday everyone agreed it was the time to start. I saw the first trees for sale at flower shops and a little boy stopped Boomer and I walking and asked when we were going to decorate our house (he started last night!). I shared two fun personal updates with members this week that I’m keeping exclusive for them. Some of my favorites from Weekend Links Week 47 include sets of photos from Saint-Tropez and Normandy weddings, an expressive Parisian apartment tour and the best dining deal in France. Enjoy!

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Weekend Links: Week 46

weekend links week 46 fall market boulevard raspail paris

This week was busier than expected and I did not get everything I had planned finished – including a fun update just for members which I promise is coming next week! It feels like it’s rained for two weeks straight, even though I know it hasn’t. Luckily the festive decorations are making up for the onset of winter gloom in Paris. Some of my favorites from Weekend Links Week 46 include some of the world’s most beautiful shops (the Paris inclusions are favorites of mine), a gorgeous Paris apartment tour, and where the chef of the Ritz eats on her days off. Enjoy!

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